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Youth Ministries

There are many ways for youth to participate in ministry and formation at Holy Trinity.

Youth are precious to God and we are not whole without them.


If you’re a young person at our parish, we strive to support you and help you build your foundation of faith. Through our youth programming, take part in volunteer opportunities, formation, and fun. You’ll have the chance to grow your faith, build relationships, and have a meaningful impact on your community.

Holy Trinity partners with Episcopal Church of the Epiphany for many youth events. We welcome the participation of adults who have hearts for youth who can help chaperone events, lead formation classes from time to time, mentor, and love our youth.


Acolyte Ministry & Youth Participation in Church

We welcome youth leadership in our Eucharistic services. As acolytes, Eucharistic Ministers, greeters, or ushers, there are many ways for Youth to participate in the leadership of their parish.

Youth in Church

Sunday Formation

Youth gather weekly on Sundays during HTP's Formation Hour (9:15 - 10:15 a.m.) in the Youth Room (first floor of the Comer Center).

The curriculum engages the Bible, our Book of Common Prayer, our liturgy, the Episcopal tradition, and the wider Church and world.

Other Youth Programming

Holy Trinity's Youth participate in a variety of activities throughout the year, often fellowshipping with youth from the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany and the Ismaili Civic Center. Youth gather monthly at Coyote's Grill and take a summer pilgrimage yearly.

Christian Foster

Youth Minister

My name is Christian Foster, and it is my pleasure to serve as both the Youth Director and as the coordinator of HTP’s Sack Lunch Ministry program. I fell in love with the Episcopal Church at a young age, and was raised as an active church member in Macon, Georgia. I attended Sewanee, The University of the South to receive my bachelors in Religious Studies, and then I moved to the Decatur area to earn my M.Div. from Candler School of Theology. During my time at Candler, I had the opportunity to serve as one of HTP’s seminarians, and to learn and mature in this wonderful congregation. Having graduated from Candler, I now dedicate my time to serving the youth of this parish, as well as those who come to our doors in need of food. 

Holy Trinity's Youth are precious to God and this parish.

Our Youth Minister Christian Foster would love to speak with you. Christian wants to know what's important to you regarding your youth's faith formation and will help you find the right place to begin.

Contact HTP Youth Minister
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