It takes a village! We're thankful for an army of volunteers who serve our Parish weekly, to ready it for worship, sacraments, services, and prayer.
Acolytes help lead worship by carrying the crosses, torches, and Gospel book; lighting the candles; handling the offering plates and assisting with other ritual tasks.
The Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for worship and removes the linens and vessels after the service. Members are responsible for the upkeep of many items used in worship.
Eucharistic Ministers include Chalice Bearers, Lectors, and Intercessors. After training, they serve on a monthly rotation for Sunday and special services. Persons of all ages who can handle the responsibilities may become a Eucharistic Minister.
Eucharistic Visitors share Holy Communion, conversation, and compassion by visiting parishioners who are unable, for various reasons, to attend church.
Greeters welcome members and guests to the 8:00 am and 10:30 am services and give visitors guest bags that include a delicious loaf of bread.
The Flower Guild prepares arrangements for the nave and chapel, as well as for funerals, weddings, and other services. They provide beauty to the glory of God.
Ushers distribute bulletins, collect and present the offerings, record the number of congregants, and guide the congregation in receiving Holy Communion.
Vergers direct and guide the worship leaders, including acolytes and Eucharistic ministers, to help the service flow smoothly.
The Parish Life committee brings the community of Holy Trinity Parish together for food, fun, and fellowship. Behind the scenes, volunteers keep the pantry stocked and linens washed and plan, shop, cook, and clean up at the many parish gatherings. All the while, they experience the special satisfaction that comes from serving others.
Coffee Hour is a time for church members to gather after each Sunday morning service for refreshments and fellowship. Volunteers for donut runs, set up, or cleanup are always appreciated!
The Pastoral Care Team has a monthly schedule to visit people who are sick or home-bound or going through important life events. They take flowers, send cards, sit and listen, and coordinate with the clergy on pastoral needs in the parish.
Participants of Souls ‘n Stitches create prayer shawls which are given to parishioners, families, and friends in times of need and celebration. This group meets at HTP once a month. All are welcome to join.
The vestry is the legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its temporal affairs and corporate property. Holy Trinity has seven members, including a Sr. and Jr. Warden, as well as a Treasurer and Clerk appointed by Fr. Greg. Vestry members are usually elected at the annual parish meeting.
The Finance and Personnel Committee meets the second Tuesday of the month in Comer Commons to review the parish's finances and advise the vestry.
Holy Trinity's Investment Committee meets regularly to steward the parish's investments, including the Giles Bequest. They make management recommendations to the vestry and are available to advise the vestry as it governs the parish.
Holy Trinity's physical campus is a large one! And its buildings and ground require care. The Buildings & Grounds committee shares this responsibility, working with Fr. Greg, the vestry, and the Finance & Personnel Committee to ensure HTP's campus remains safe, usable, and welcoming to the HTP community.
Every parishioner has unique gifts God has given them and can use those gifts to serve their Church. Let us know where you think the Spirit is leading you to "plug in" at HTP.
Holy Trinity Parish is an Episcopal church located at the heart of Decatur, GA. Our mission is to open hearts to God and doors to community.
515 E. Ponce de Leon Ave
Decatur, GA 30030
T. 404.377.2622