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Young(ish) Adults

Holy Trinity's Young(ish) Adults are present, active in our prayer and service to our Parish, and ready to welcome you into our growing community.

Opportunities for Young Adult formation include classes, small groups, & practices of prayer and service to our Parish.

Who are HTP's Young(ish) Adult?

HTP's Young(ish) Adults are a vibrant group of parishioners between 18-40ish who gather regularly for study, fellowship, and prayer. We come from all walks of life and find our common ground through our faith and love for one another and the broader Holy Trinity community. Our formation program offers regular opportunities for prayer, fun, and service.

One of the best parts of HTP's YA community is our diversity. We come from a variety of faith traditions, and familial backgrounds. Some of us are married, some are single, and we find ourselves in various stages of education and careers. But we all love HTP and are eager to welcome you into our family.


Young(ish) Adult Leadership Team

After Service Meals

About once a month, HTP Young (and Youngish) Adults will gather at a local Decatur eatery for food, fun, and fellowship.

Reach out to Will or Stephanie to learn when and where our next gathering will be.

Serving our Parish

Young Adults belong at Holy Trinity. We are active members of our parish, and participate in its leadership and common life in countless ways. Serving is a wonderful way to spend time with friends and learn more about this amazing parish home.

Wednesday Night Suppers

Young Adults are active in the leadership of our Wednesday Night Supper program.

During the academic calendar year, HTP hosts a catered meal from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Formation programming follows from 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. We recommend a $10 meal donation, but make the contribution that's right for you!

We invite you to come, enjoy, get to know members of the parish and enjoy this special community that is Holy Trinity.

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