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Children's Programming

at Holy Trinity

Children's Ministries at Holy Trinity extend far beyond our Formation Hour. There are so many ways to participate. We hope you'll join us!

Children's Programming at HTP

While we are incredibly proud of our Godly Play classes, we know that a well-rounded Children's Ministry needs to support and form the whole of our kids. NEED NEW TEXT HERE.

Worship Bags

Supporting our Kids' Presence  in Church

We get it. Squirmy children at church is hard. And Episcopal services can sometimes feel long. But we at HTP take our Baptismal Covenants and the Episcopal Church’s Children’s Charter seriously!

For children ages 4 and up, we encourage them to participate in the HTP service to the best of their abilities. We have worship bags and books available outside the Nave for children to borrow and use during the Eucharistic service. If you need to step out and reset and try again, we understand.

Thank you for bringing your kids to church to worship with us!

Children's Choir

Supporting our Kids' Presence in Church

Holy Trinity provides opportunities for our youngest parishioners to participate and engage in our corporate worship through making music as a children’s choir and with hand bells. These dedicated young choristers contribute to our worship experience, participating in our 10:30 am service monthly and during significant occasions such as All Saints Sunday, Lessons & Carols, Christmas Eve, and other special events.

Service Projects

Learning to share with others in Jesus' Name

Throughout the year, our children's programming will offer families the opportunity to participate in a service project. We sometimes make care bags for HTP's homebound members. Our children's choir has visited Church of the Common Ground to help lead worship and distribute meals to our unhoused siblings. Watch our weekly Children's e-newsletter for more information.

Vacation Bible School

Summer formation and fellowship

Holy Trinity partners with St. Barth's and Epiphany (two other Episcopal Parishes in the Diocese) to put on Vacation Bible School each summer. It's a wonderful opportunity for kids to grow in faith and formation and friendship.

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