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Children's Ministries

And Jesus said,

Let the little children come to me,

and do not hinder them,

for the kingdom of heaven

belongs to such as these.

Matthew 19:14

Infants & Toddlers

Holy Trinity offers nursery services and programming to support our youngest parishioners and their parents.

Thank you for bringing your infants and toddlers to church!

Nursery Information

Godly Play

Godly Play is Holy Trinity's primary method of children's formation. Through this spiral curriculum, children 18 months through 5th grade learn the language of Christianity, our sacred stories, respond to God, participate in community, and share a feast.

Godly Play Classes

Children's Choir

Holy Trinity provides opportunities for our youngest parishioners to participate and engage in our corporate worship through making music as a children’s choir and with hand bells. These dedicated young choristers contribute to our worship experience, participating in our 10:30 am service monthly and during significant occasions such as All Saints Sunday, Lessons & Carols, Christmas Eve, and other special events.

Other Children's


Holy Trinity's children's programming extends far beyond our Nursery and Godly Play classes. Children and families are often a focus of parish-wide events and services throughout the year, including our St. Nicholas Day service, Christmas Pageant, Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, Easter Brunch, and Parish Retreat. We also hold some special events just for families.

Questions about HTP's

children's ministries?

Our Children's Minister Amy Armstrong- Wells would love to speak with you. Amy wants to know what's important to you in your children's faith formation and will help you find the right place to begin.

Contact Amy Wells
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