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Amy Armstrong Wells

Children's Minister

Amy has enjoyed serving children and families at Holy Trinity since 2022. She works to identify and engage the unique spiritual gifts of children and to foster deep connections between children, families, and our broader parish community. Amy believes that creating space for silence, rest, and careful attention allows children to engage naturally and deeply with the mysteries of our Christian faith, and she has found the Montessori-based Godly Play method so helpful in this work. She first encountered Godly Play in 2014 and has enjoyed telling and listening to stories ever since, completing Advanced Training in 2017. As of 2024, she is a licensed Godly Play trainer.

Amy holds a B.A. in Religion from Smith College (2001), an M.T.S. with an emphasis in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament from Harvard Divinity School (2004), and a FORMA Certificate in Children’s Ministries (2018). She also lives out a complementary vocation as a Certified Nurse-Midwife/Family Nurse-Practitioner, supporting women, teens, and families in that capacity. In her free time, she enjoys Sacred Harp (“shape note”) singing, hiking, and spending time with her husband, Anders, and two school-aged daughters.

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